Bridget McGrath, MS, CCC-SLP
Speech Language Pathologist
Bridget is a speech-language pathologist with over 4 years of experience at Moving Mountains Therapy Center. She specializes in gender-affirming communication therapy, ASD, AAC, feeding and dysphagia, and literacy skills. As the clinical manager of the speech team, Bridget brings a passion for serving underserved communities, including her work with Tribal health. Outside of her professional role, Bridget is a mother of four, and enjoys hiking, baking, reading, playing volleyball, and caring for her Pug, May. Her commitment to her clients and her team is matched by her love for family and the outdoors.
Contact Info:
Bridget McGrath, MS, CCC-SLP
Staff Speech Language Pathologist
406-396-4130 phone
(406) 797-5008 fax